Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Blog Hole Resurgence

I have been very remiss in blogging and seemed to have fallen down a big black blog hole in terms of posting. I've still been around and have loved reading your blog posts which have helped sustain me. I love the bloggers I read who tell it like it is - the good, the bad and the frankly funny and it has been great to hear of your lives. Generally I like my own blog to be positive, or at the least balanced, but the effort of being upbeat was just too much when I was tired, sore and disheartened. I know many bloggers are struggling with much worse life circumstances than me but sometimes all we can do is manage what is ours.

My knee is still not great and I have to use my hated crutch but being able to drive a bit further and just getting out under my own steam feels good. I am getting back to work which is a tonic in itself, if rather knackering, but great to be occupied purposefully again. I'm not sure how things will pan out but, finally I have clinicians I trust and a supportive boss so while things are not perfect they are probably as good as they can be right now. It's not been all misery as some nice things and some craft makes have happened too and I'll try to get these written up as posts. So apologies in advance if I end up bombarding you with a torrent of blog posts. Hopefully, not so many that you end up needing a rest from me!


  1. It is horrid when you are dealing with these things and feeling this way, but I am glad that you are starting to feel a little better. It is good that your work is supporting you. I hope that things keep improving, and I look forward to reading your posts as and when they come along, whatever you have to say, lots of them or not! Keep taking care of yourself. xx

  2. Glad you're back! I've missed reading your blog. I really hope that things improve, please take care of yourself! Xoxo.

  3. That black hole is easy to fall into. I'm glad to see you back too. I haven't kept up with your blog enough to know what is wrong with your knee but I hope it improves quickly. It's no fun to be stuck at home and worse when you are in pain too.

  4. Welcome back! I have been wondering how the gammy knee was doing... sorry you've been in a black hole (I know the feeling!) but I'm glad you are feeling a little better and hope the doctors you trust will find a way to get your knee sorted.

  5. The more posts the merrier! I hage great sympathy with you for your knee. Mine is good for moving now but still won't let me put any weight on it. Keep up the blogging!

  6. BTW you should have called this post Supermassive Blog Hole, after the Muse song!

  7. So glad you're back but sorry you're in pain-here to gammy knee x


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